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How to get comprehensive, rapid information on Italian Companies

If you have dealings with Italian Companies - new customers or business partners (or, for that matter, existing customers), you can protect your company from unnecessary financial risk. How?

The Comas Credit Report gets you instant information online regarding Company or Individual Solvency - an at-a-glance picture of the subject's financial health empowering you to take informed decisions as to accepting or declining risk in particular cases. In this way, you can identify those transactions which are potentially risky and take the appropriate action.

If you require further, in-depth information, our Business Reports on Companies/Individuals in Italy and worldwide will give you exhaustive information, where greater certainty is required.

In addition to purchasing services singly, a Comas Pre-paid subscription offers an excellent opportunity to make big savings on our regular pricelist. In addition, the following advantages accrue to our subscribers:

  • Available on all Comas services
  • No need for interim billing - services used are simply deducted from amount of subscription
  • Savings of up to 45% on our regular pricelist
  • Access to reserved area of Comas website, enabling you to check at a glance case progress (online case tracking) and credit remaining
  • No automatic renewal
  • Credit has annual validity - can be carried forward where new subscription is taken out

Credit Report on Italian Company
If you need even faster, concise information, our Company and Personal Reports are available online at competitive prices - they give you a snapshot of the Italian Company or Italian Individual's solvency status.

Standard Company Report
example purchase
€ 39,50

It reports the main legal, economic and administrative information on a company and it carries out an automatic control extended to the company members and directors of protests and official non payments (prejudicial events by Italian Court and Real Estate Registers), news, etc. It also includes the index of statistical evaluation: Sector Risk Indicator, Bankruptcy Index and Credit Limit Indicator (the latter expresses in Euro the maximum limit of credit recommended), as well as the main balance sheet items and ratios (only for Companies Limited by Shares).

Analytical Company Report
example purchase
€ 54,50

In addition to the data of the Standard Company Report, the Analytical Company Report provides you with some in-depth information on the company members and directors, historical news on the investigated company and synthesis of the last filed balance (only for Companies Limited by Shares). The check on protests and non payments is extended to companies in which the company members and directors have an interest.

Business information on Italian company
example purchase
€ 94,00

A complete investigative report integrating the most important official data about the company being examined, with unofficial confidential data, through high-precision intelligence activities. Every business report includes the comment of an analyst, highlighting the most important information gathered about the company under investigation, the reliability level of the company and the maximum limit of credit recommended.

COMAS srl A sole shareholder Company subject to the direction and coordination of CRIBIS Holding S.r.L.
Via Martiri di Civitella, 11 - 52100 - Arezzo - Italy - Phone +39 0575.26125 - Fax +39 0575.26436 -
VAT number 01209940517 - Share capital 100.000,00 € i.v. - © Copyright 2013 Comas S.r.l.


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