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CREDIT REPORT | Available on-line

Analytical Company Report

Complete report which provides an in-depth analysis on the levels of reliability of a company, through an aggregation of official data found in Italian Public Sources, extended to company members and executives.

The information provided are summarized by a statistical analysis model able to evaluate the risk level of an Italian company and to recommend the maximum credit limit. Further information

The main data of the Analytical Report are:

Company Rating and Limit: comment on the credit reliability of the company summarized by a judgment of economic riskiness (rating) and by an advised credit limit.

Economic financial data: for the companies limited by shares it reports some main balance sheet items and financial ratios compared to the industry average, while for partnerships and sole proprietorships it provides an extimated turnover.

Company identification: official information of the company taken from the Italian Business Register (head offices and branch offices, executives and members, share capital, economic activity, employees, etc)

Positions of executives in other companies: information on companies where the main executives hold positions; as for the companies limited by shares it also reports the balance sheet data.

Real estate properties: filed at the Italian Real Estate Register under the name of the company and its main executives

Protested bills and prejudicial events: search on a company and its main executives for protested bills, insolvency procedure, agreements among creditors, real estate temporary receiverships.

Risk Press: economic news concerning the company, taken from a daily consultation of about 150 national newspapers

Balance sheet analysis: as for the companies limited by shares it reports the rating and the comment of the main financial ratios as well as the synthetic judgment on the company trend taken from the balance sheet data.

Trend analysis: (optional) as for the companies limited by shares it reports the comment on the company trend and the main balance sheet ratios, taken from the analysis of the last three reclassifications of financial statement.


Execution time

To verify the solvency of an Italian company

on-line visualization
In few seconds


Search sources


Chambers of Commerce, Court, Real Estate Registers, other Public Sources

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COMAS srl A sole shareholder Company subject to the direction and coordination of CRIBIS Holding S.r.L.
Via Martiri di Civitella, 11 - 52100 - Arezzo - Italy - Phone +39 0575.26125 - Fax +39 0575.26436 -
VAT number 01209940517 - Share capital 100.000,00 € i.v. - © Copyright 2013 Comas S.r.l.


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